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BDB Korean

: Break Down Barriers

Every country, every culture, and every tradition has its own unique beauty.
However, many of us struggle to see and appreciate the beauty of other countries because of barriers like nationality, gender, race, language, culture, and religion.
These barriers can create misunderstandings, discrimination, and stereotypes that divide us.
How can we help people see beyond these walls? The answer lies in something universal: communication. By talking to each other in a language we both understand, we can freely share and explore our cultures. Learning a new language means choosing to embrace and understand different cultures. It's a powerful way to break down barriers and appreciate our differences.
Together, we can celebrate our uniqueness and enjoy the beauty of our diverse world. Will you join us in this journey?

Hi there!

I’m Hoorimi.

I grew up in the countryside, so I didn't have many opportunities to experience different cultures. I think that made me a more curious person. Haha😆

When I became an adult, I had the chance to visit several countries. I visited Nepal, India, France, Italy, Cameroon, Taiwan, Turkey, the Holy Land, and Japan. Each country had its own unique beauty, and it was an amazing experience learning about different cultures, histories, and religions.

These experiences have made me more familiar with understanding and communicating with different cultures.

To me, 'being different' is truly fascinating! I still want to learn more, and if someone wants to understand Korea, I would love to help!

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can we dream together?

  • Experiencing the joy of conversing in different languages.

  • Feeling the excitement of understanding different cultures.

  • Getting the opportunity to explore a broader world.

  • Working alongside people from diverse backgrounds.

  • Creating a friendly community like good friends.

  • Breaking down the barriers of language and culture to see a beautiful world!!


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