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12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Class

12 useful korean phrases
12 useful korean phrases

12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Class

Are you planning to attend classes in Korea? As a foreign student, understanding and communicating in a Korean classroom can be challenging. Don’t worry! In this blog, I will teach you some useful Korean phrases that will help you navigate classroom interactions and enhance your learning experience. Get ready to impress your classmates and teachers with your improved language skills!


1. How have you been? / I’ve been well.

: 잘 지냈어요 (Jal jinaesseoyo)

Anyone can use this phrase to check on someone after a break/absence in a friendly and informal way. Depending on the tone, it can have a difference in usage. It can be a question if you raise the tone in the last syllable, and it can be an answer or statement if you don’t.


Teacher: 여러분, 잘 지냈어요?

Everyone, how have you been?

Student:  네, 잘 지냈어요.

Yes, I've been well. / We've been well.

Teacher: 방학 동안 재밌는 일 있었어요?

Did you do anything fun during vacation?

Student 1:  네, 가족이랑 여행 갔다 왔어요.

Yes, I went on a trip with my family.

Student 2:  저는 인천에 있는 사촌들 집에 다녀왔어요.

I went to my cousins’ house in Incheon.

2. We will learn _____ today.

: 오늘은 ______을/를 배울 거예요. (Oneureun ______eul/reul baeul geoyeyo.)

This phrase is used by teachers to announce the topic or subject that will be covered in the lesson for the day. It sets the agenda and prepares students for what they will be learning. Just put the subject or topic in the blank.


Teacher: 오늘은 한국어 문법 "-으면서"에 대해 배울거예요.

Today, we will learn about the Korean grammar point "-으면서."

Teacher: 누구, 여기 대화문 읽어볼 사람?

Anyone want to read this conversation?

Student: 저요! 제가 읽어 볼게요.

Me! I'll read it.

3. Teacher! I have a question!

: 선생님! 질문 있어요! (Seonsaengnim! Jilmun isseoyo!)

Use this phrase to get the attention of the teacher when you have a question or need clarification during class.


Student: 선생님! 질문 있어요!

Teacher! I have a question!

Teacher: 네, 뭐예요?

Yes, what is it?

Student: ‘쓰다’는 무슨 뜻인가요?

What does ‘write’ mean?

Teacher: 종이에 '쓰다'라는 뜻이에요. 그런데 '모자를 쓰다'라는 뜻도 있어요.

It means 'to write' on paper. But it can also mean 'to wear a hat'.

4. I couldn't understand.

: 이해를 못 했어요. (Ihaereul mot haesseoyo.)

Use this phrase if you can’t understand the topic, and seek for further explanation. The teacher will then explain it in more detail.


Student: 이해를 못 했어요.

I couldn't understand.

Teacher: 어떤 부분이 어려웠어요?

What part was difficult?

Student: 글을 쓰라는 뜻인지, 모자를 쓰라는 뜻인지 어떻게 알 수 있나요?

How do I know whether it means to write or to wear a hat?

Teacher: 맥락을 이해해야 알 수 있어요.

You need to understand the context to understand.

5. I couldn't hear it. / I didn’t hear you.

: 못 들었어요. (Mot deureosseoyo.)

Use this phrase to express that you didn't hear something clearly or missed what was said. It's a polite and straightforward way to ask for repetition or clarification of what was spoken.


Student: 죄송해요, 선생님. 못 들었어요.

I'm sorry, teacher. I couldn't hear it.

Student: 다시 말해주실 수 있어요?

Can you repeat that again?

Teacher: 그럼요!


6. Can you repeat that again?

: 다시 한번 말해주실 수 있어요? (Dashi hanbeon malhaejushil su isseoyo?)

If you didn’t hear what the teacher or your classmate said, you can also use this phrase to directly ask if they can repeat it.


Student: 선생님, 다시 한번 말해주실 수 있어요?

Teacher, can you repeat that again?

Teacher: 네, 그럼요. 오늘 숙제는 다음 주 금요일까지 제출해 주세요.

Yes, of course. Please submit today’s homework by next Friday.

7. I don't know.

: 모르겠어요. (Moreugesseoyo.)

Use this phrase when you don’t know the answer to a question or are unsure about something. 


Teacher: 석민씨, 이 문제의 정답이 뭘까요?

Seokmin, what's the answer to this problem?

Seokmin: 모르겠어요. 좀 어려워요.

I don't know. It's kind of hard.

8. It's too fast. Can you speak slowly?

: 너무 빨라요. 천천히 말해주실 수 있어요? (Neomu ppallayo. Cheoncheonhi malhaejushil su isseoyo?)

If you are having difficulty following or understanding the current discussion, don’t hesitate to use this phrase. The teachers consider students' concerns and abilities so that everyone can learn.


Student: 선생님, 너무 빨라요. 천천히 말해주실 수 있어요?

Teacher, it's too fast. Can you speak slowly?

Teacher: 아이구, 미안해요. 다시 천천히 말해줄게요.

Oops, I'm sorry. I'll speak slowly again.

Student: 감사합니다.

Thank you.

9. Please _____ (do something).

: _____아/어 보세요. (_____a/eo boseyo.)

This phrase  is used to suggest or encourage someone to try something. You may hear this frequently from teachers. The common phrases using this inside the classroom are: 읽어보세요, 써보세요, 들어보세요, and 말해보세요.

읽다 (to read) + 아/어 보세요 = 읽어보세요. (Please read.)

쓰다 (to write) + 아/어 보세요 = 써보세요. (Please write.)

듣다 (to listen) + 아/어 보세요 = 들어보세요. (Please listen.)

말하다 (to say) + 아/어 보세요 = 말해보세요. (Please say it/tell me.)

This phrase is not only used in class but in other situations as well. Just fill the blank with any verb, followed by ‘아/어 보세요’.


Teacher: 여러분, 제가 한 말을 써보세요.

Everyone, Please write what I have to say.

Students: 네 선생님.

Yes, teacher.

Teacher: 핸드폰, 아파트, 에어콘.

Cell phone, apartment, air conditioner.

Students: 다 했어요!

It's done!

10. How can I _____ (do something)?

: 어떻게 ____아/어요? (Eotteohke _____a/eo yo?)

Don’t hesitate to ask the teacher for guidance on how to write something, whether it’s spelling, structure, or any other writing detail.

읽다 (to read) + 아/어요 = 읽어요

쓰다 (to write) + 아/어요 = 써요


Student: 선생님, 이 단어를 어떻게 써요?

Teacher, how can I write this word?

Teacher: 음… 이렇게, 따라 써보세요.

Uhm… like this. Try following it.

11. How can I say ____?

: ____는 한국어로 어떻게 말해요? (_____neun hangugeoro eotteohke malhaeyo?)

Use this sentence to ask the teacher how to say a specific word or phrase in Korean. It will help you in learning new vocabulary and proper pronunciation.


Student: 선생님, "vacation"는 한국어로 어떻게 말해요?

Teacher, how can I say "vacation" in Korean?

Teacher: "Vacation"는 한국어로 "방학"라고 말해요.

You say "vacation" as "방학" in Korean.

Student: 감사합니다, 선생님.

Thank you, teacher.

12. Thank you. See you next class.

: 감사합니다. 다음 시간에 봬요. (Kamsahamnida. Daeum shigane baeyo.)

This phrase is a common and polite way for students to thank teachers at the end of the class.


Teacher: 오늘 수업은 여기까지예요. 다들 수고 많았어요.

That's all for today's class. You all did well.

Student: 선생님, 오늘 수업 정말 재미있었어요.

Teacher, today's class was really fun.

Student: 감사합니다. 다음 시간에 봬요.

Teacher, today's class was really fun.

Teacher: 네, 저도 감사합니다. 다음 시간에 만나요.

Yes, thanks too. See you next class.

That’s it! I hope you learned a lot in this blog!

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Writer : Camille

Camille is a Korean language learner and a freelance copywriter.

I presented her these phrases and she wrote this blog. Lastly, I approved this blog.


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