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12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Korean Barbeque Restaurant

12 useful Korean Phrases
12 useful Korean Phrases

12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Korean Barbeque Restaurant

Korean barbecue has become popular worldwide, particularly in areas with Korean communities or a growing interest in Korean culture and cuisine. If you ever come to Korea, I highly recommend visiting an authentic Korean barbecue restaurant to savor the unique taste of samgyeopsal. In this blog, I'll guide you through essential phrases to enhance your Korean barbecue experience in Korea.

출처: Pixabay DONGWON LEE

If you want to learn general phrases used in any Korean restaurant, you can read this blog here:

12 Korean Phrases Used In A Restaurant

1. I'd like three servings, please.

: 3인분 주세요.  (Sam-inbun juseyo.)

Three servings means the quantity of food prepared is enough for three people, typically around 150-200 grams per person. So, 1인분 means enough quantity for one person.


Customer: 안녕하세요. 삼겹살 3인분 주세요.

Hello. I’d like three servings of pork belly, please.

Server: 네, 삼겹살 3인분이요. 다른 것도 필요하세요?

Yes, I've taken your order for three servings of pork belly. Do you need anything else?

Customer: 아, 콜라 두 개랑 물 좀 주세요.

Oh, please give me two Colas and a bottle of water also.

2. How do I eat this?

: 이거 어떻게 먹어요? (Igeo eotteohke meogeoyo?)

Use this phrase if you are unsure how to eat a certain dish.


Customer: 저기요, 이거 어떻게 먹어요?

Excuse me, how do I eat this?

Server: 삼겹살을 굽고, 쌈장에 찍어서 상추에 싸 먹어요.

We grill the pork belly, dip it in ssamjang, and wrap it in lettuce to eat

Customer: 감사합니다!

Thank you!

Server: 맛있게 드세요!

Enjoy your meal!

상추와 쌈장
쌈장과 상추 / 출처: Pixabay joon2079

3. Please give me some scissors and tongs.

: 가위랑 집게 좀 주세요.  (Gawirang jibge jom juseyo.)

In Korean barbeque restaurants, scissors are used to cut the meat instead of knives. And tongs are used to easily handle the meat while cooking.


Customer: 저기요, 가위랑 집게 좀 주세요.

Excuse me, please give me scissors and tongs.

Server: 네, 바로 가져다 드릴게요. 

Yes, I'll bring it to you right away.

Server: 여기에요.

Here it is.

Customer: 감사합니다.

Thank you.

4. The fire is too strong / too weak.

: 불이 너무 쎄요. / 약해요. (Bul-i neomu sseyo. / yakhaeyo.)

Use any of these phrases to inform the server about the level of fire in your table’s grill.

불이 너무 쎄요 = The fire is too strong

불이 너무 약해요 = The fire is too weak


Customer: 불이 너무 쎄요. 조금만 줄여 줄실 수 있어요?

The fire is too strong. Could you lower it a bit?

Server: 네, 바로 조절해 드릴게요.

Yes, I'll adjust it right away.

Customer: 감사합니다.

Thank you.

5. Is this all cooked?

:  이거 다 익은 거예요? (Igeo da igeongeoyeyo?)

If this is your first time eating Korean barbecue and you don't know how much you need to cook, use this phrase.


Customer: 저기요, 이거 다 익은 거예요?

Excuse me, is this all cooked?

Server: 아직 조금 더 기다리세요. 

Please, wait a little longer

Customer: 아, 감사합니다!

Ah, Thank you!

6. Two more servings of meat, please.

: 고기 2인분 추가요. (Gogi i-inbun chugayo.)

If you want to request additional servings of meat, you can use this phrase.


Customer: 저기요, 고기 2인분 추가요. 

Excuse me, two more servings of meat, please.

Server: 네, 가져다 드릴게요! 여기요.

Yes, I'll bring it to you! Here you go.

Customer: 감사합니다.

Thank you.

7. I'd like some more side dishes, please.

: 반찬 좀 더 주세요.  (Banchan jom do juseyo.)

Some restaurants have self-service bars where you can get side dish refills by yourself, but in case the restaurant you visited doesn’t have one, you can use this phrase if you want to get more side dishes.

You can use  ‘____ 좀 더 주세요’ (Please give me more ____) for any additional requests.

김치 좀 더주세요 = Please give me more kimchi

마늘 좀 더 주세요 =  Please give me more garlic

상추 좀 더 주세요 = Please give me more lettuce


Customer: 저기요, 반찬 좀 더 주세요.

Excuse me, I'd like some more side dishes, please.

Server: 네, 뭐 더 드릴까요?.

Yes, what else can I get for you?

Customer: 김치 좀 더 주실 수 있어요?

Can I have some more kimchi, please?

8. Please change the grill.

: 불판 좀 바꿔주세요.  (Bulpan jom bakkwojuseyo..)

After grilling for a long time, the grill gets overly burnt and it can get on your meat. That's when you can ask the servers to replace the grill.


Customer: 저기요, 불판 좀 바꿔주세요.

Could you please change the grill plate?

Server: 네, 바로 새로 바꿔드릴게요.

Yes, I'll change it right away.

Customer: 감사합니다!

Thank you!

Miso soup
된장찌개 / 출처: Pixabay DONGWON LEE

9. Please leave the chili pepper out of the soybean paste.

: 된장에 고추 빼주세요.  (Doenjange gochu bbaejuseyo.)

After eating meat in Korea, I highly recommend eating soybean paste! It helps balance the palate after consuming grilled meats, which can be rich and oily. However, bean paste stew at Korean restaurants is usually spicy, you can ask them to leave out the chili pepper if you can’t handle spicy foods.


Customer: 된장 하나 주세요. 고추는 빼주세요.

I’d like a bean paste stew. Please remove the chili peppers.

Server: 알겠습니다. 고추 빼고 드릴게요.

Alright. I'll serve it without chili peppers.

10. Where is the restroom?

: 화장실 어딨어요? (Hwajangshil eodisseoyo?)

Use this phrase if you want to use the restroom but you can’t find it. and sometimes, restrooms at restaurants have passwords in it, you can ask for the password by saying “비밀번호가 뭐에요?” (What is the password?).


Customer: 화장실 어딨어요?

Where is the restroom?

Server: 저쪽에 있어요.

It’s over there.

Customer: 혹시, 비밀번호가 뭐에요?

Excuse me, what's the password?

Server: 1234#이에요.

It’s 1234#.

Customer: 감사합니다!

Thank you!

11. We'll pay for it separately.

: 따로 계산할게요.  (Ttaro gyesanhalkeyo. )

When you eat at a Korean BBQ restaurant with friends and you want to pay your own portion of the bill based on what you ordered, you can use this phrase. This payment method, known as 더치페이 or ‘Dutch pay’, involves splitting the bill evenly among diners so that each person pays for their own share.


Customer 1: 따로 결제하자.

Let's pay separately.

Customer 2: 그래, 좋아.

Yes, sounds good.

Cashier:  어떻게 계산하시겠어요?

How do you like to pay?

Customer 1: 아, 따로 계산할게요.

We’ll pay for it separately.

Customer 1: 저는 카드로 계산할게요.

I will pay with a card.

Customer 2: 저는 현금으로 계산할게요.

I’ll pay in cash.

12. Hope you sell a lot.

: 많이 파세요.  (Manhi paseyo.)

Koreans say this phrase after eating at a restaurant as a polite and encouraging way to wish the business success. It’s a way of expressing gratitude and hoping for the prosperity of the restaurant as the customer leaves.


Customer: 감사합니다, 많이 파세요!

Thank you, I hope you sell a lot!

Staff: 네, 감사합니다! 안녕히 가세요!

Thank you! Please go safely!

And that’s it! I hope you learn something from today’s lesson! What phrases would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇

If you want to learn general phrases used in any Korean restaurant, you can read this blog here:

12 Korean Phrases Used In A Restaurant

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