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12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Pharmacy

12 Useful Korean phrases in pharmacy
12 Useful Korean phrases in pharmacy

12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Pharmacy

In the previous blog, I taught you some useful phrases in a Korean hospital that you might use in case there is an emergency and needed treatment by professionals immediately. But if you experience some self-manageable cases such as runny nose, indigestion, or, you can buy simple medicines at a Korean pharmacy without going to the hospital. So to help you, I will teach you some useful phrases that you can use when buying at the pharmacy.

Note: This blog must be only used as a guide for Korean language learners, and each example written here must not be taken as a serious medical advice. If you are experiencing any health concerns, seek consultation from professionals immediately. 


1. I think I have an upset stomach.

: 배탈난 것 같아요. (Baetalnan geot gatayo.)

Use this phrase to describe the feeling of an upset stomach, such as pain, discomfort, or nausea so the pharmacist can give you the right medicine.


Customer: 안녕하세요. 저.. 배탈난 것 같아요.

Hello. I think I have an upset stomach.

Pharmacist: 증상이 어때요??

What symptoms do you have?

Customer: 먹을 때마다 배가 아파요. 화장실도 계속 가고요.

My stomach hurts when I eat, and I keep going to the bathroom.

Pharmacist: 식사 후에, 이 약 드세요.

You can take this medicine after a meal.

2. I have indigestion.

: 소화가 안 돼요. (Sohwaga an dwaeyo.)

Use this phrase to say that you have indigestion. For example, you may have eaten something dairy without knowing and you are lactose intolerant. You may feel discomfort and pain in the stomach.


Customer: 저 소화가 안 돼요. 어떤 약을 사야하나요?

I have indigestion. What medicine should I buy?

Pharmacist: 아, 그렇군요. 여기, 소화제를 드릴게요.

 Oh, I see. Here, I’ll give you digestive medicine.

3. I threw up.

: 토 했어요. (To haessoyo.)

Use this phrase to say that you threw up or you vomited. This can occur due to various reasons such as indigestion, or illness. 


Customer: 배가 아프고 토했어요.

My stomach hurt and I threw up.

Pharmacist: 체하신 것 같네요, 이 약 드세요. 

It must be indigestion, you can take this medicine.

Pharmacist: 그리고 한끼는 거르거나 가벼운 죽을 드세요.

And skip a meal or just eat porridge.

4. I have a fever and cough.

: 열이 나고 기침을 해요. (Yeori nago gichimeul haeyo.)

Use this phrase when explaining to the pharmacist that you are experiencing symptoms of a fever and cough.


Customer: 열이 나고 기침을 해요. 

I have a fever and cough.

Pharmacist: 언제부터 그러셨어요? 

Since when have you been feeling like this?

Customer: 어제 저녁부터 계속 그래요.

It started last night and hasn’t stopped.

5. My throat hurts and my nose is stuffy.

: 목이 아프고 코가 막혀요. (Mogi apeugo koga makhyeoyo.)

This phrase is used to express sore throat and stuffy nose. Use “목이 아파요” if you suffer sore throat alone, or “코가 막혀요” for stuffy nose.


Customer: 안녕하세요. 저.. 목이 아프고 코가 막혀요. 

Hello. My throat hurts and my nose is stuffy. 

Pharmacist: 아, 그래요. 혹시 다른 증상도 있나요?

Ah, I see. Do you have any other symptoms?

Customer: 네, 열도 나요.

Yes, I also have a fever.

6. Do you have medicine for colds? 

: 감기약 있어요? (Gamgiyak isseoyo?)

Use this phrase if you are looking for medicine for colds. You can attach “있어요?” after the name of a medicine to ask if they have it.

(약 이름) + 있어요? =  = Do you have (medicine name)?

Here are some sample medicines:

소화제 (Digestive medicine) - Medicine that you take when you can't digest / when you have an upset stomach.

지사제 (Antidiarrheal) - medicine taken when persistent watery bowel movements occur.

영양제 (Nutrition supplements) - things like vitamins and omega 3.

자양강장제 (Nutrient tonic) - medicine to take when you are tired.


Customer:  안녕하세요. 감기약 있어요?

Hello. Do you have medicine for colds?

Pharmacist: 네,증상이 어떠세요?

Yes, what symptoms do you have?

Customer: 콧물이 나고 목도 아파요..

I have a runny nose and a sore throat.

7. How many times a day do I have to take it?

: 하루에 몇 번 먹어야 해요? (Harue myot beon mogoya haeyo?)

After giving you the medicine, use this phrase to ask how often you should take it in a day.


Pharmacist: 여기 감기약이요.

Here’s the cold medicine.

Customer: 하루에 몇 번 먹어야 해요?

How many times a day do I have to take it?

Pharmacist: 이거는 식후에, 하루에 두 번 먹으면 돼요.

You should take this twice a day after a meal.

8. When do I have to take it?

: 언제 먹어야 해요? (Eonje meogeoya haeyo?)

Ask this question if you want to know when you have to take the medicine, as some medicines can be taken with an empty stomach and some are not.


Customer: 언제 먹어야 해요?

When do I have to take it?

Pharmacist: 식사하시고 30분 뒤에 드세요. 

Take it 30 minutes after your meal.

Customer: 알겠습니다, 감사합니다.

Okay, thank you.

9. Take it 30 minutes before / 30 minutes after a meal.

: 식전 30분 / 식후 30분에 먹어요. (Shikjeon samshibbun / shikhu samshibbune meogeoyo.)

The pharmacist may say this to explain when to take the medicine, whether 30 minutes before or after a meal. 


Pharmacist: 소화제 여기요.

Here's the digestive medicine.

Customer: 언제 먹어야 돼요?

When do I have to take it?

Pharmacist: 식후 30분에 드세요.

Take it 30 minutes after the meal.

10. I have a wound here. Can you please give me some ____?

: 여기 상처가 나서요. ____ 좀 주세요. (Yeogi sangcheoga naseoyo. ______ jom juseyo.)

Use this phrase if you have a cut or wound, and you want to buy a treatment for it. Here are some usual products that you may apply to your wounds.

  • 소독약 (Disinfectant): A medicine that is like an alcohol applied to a wound to clean it. It is usually in a red bottle.

  • 밴드 (Band): The bandage that we stick on a wound to protect it from external factor. An example is a bandage from the brand ‘Dale’.

  • 습윤패치 (Wet Patch): A patch that prevents wound scars from leaving behind, like one in the brand 'Mediform'.


Customer: 여기 상처가 나서요. 밴드 좀 주세요. 

I have a wound here. Can you please give me a band?

Pharmacy: 네, 소독약도 드릴까요?

Sure, would you like some disinfectant as well?

Customer: 음.. 아니요. 심하지 않아서 괜찮아요.

Um.. no, it's not too bad, so I'm okay.

11. By any chance, are there any precautions?

: 혹시 주의사항이 있나요? (Hoksi ju-euisahangi issnayo?)

You can use this phrase to ask the pharmacist if there are any specific precautions, warnings, or instructions to be aware of when using a particular medication. 


Pharmacist: 여기, 지사제요.

Here is the antidiarrheal.

Customer: 감사합니다. 혹시, 주의사항이 있나요?

Thank you. By any chance, are there any precautions?

Pharmacist: 네, 유제품이나 기름진 음식, 카페인은 피하는게 좋아요.

Yes, it's better to avoid dairy, oily foods, and caffeine.

12. Please give me a receipt.

: 영수증 주세요. (Yeongsujeung juseyo.)

You would use this phrase when you want to ask the pharmacist or cashier for a receipt for your purchase at the pharmacy.

보험처리를 하고 싶으면 영수증이 필요해요. 


Pharmacist: 27,000원이에요.

It's 27,000 won.

Customer: 여기요. 영수증 주세요.

Here it is. Please give me the receipt.

Pharmacist: 네, 여기요. 감사합니다.

Yes, here. Thank you.


And that’s it! Did you find these phrases helpful? What phrases do you want to learn next? Comment down below!


collaborator : Camille

Camille is a Korean language learner and a freelance copywriter.

I taught her these phrases and she wrote this blog. Lastly, I confirmed this blog.

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