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Korean conversation: 보통 뭐 해요? (What do you usually do?)

korean conversation

Learning Korean through conversation: What do you usually do?


Hello, this is Hoorimi from BDB KOREAN.

In today’s post, we’re diving into some essential grammar: the present tense and prepositions of time and place. You’ll not only learn how to form these structures but also how to use them in natural conversation. Get ready to practice with dialogue examples and solidify your understanding. Let's get started!



Dialogue 1

하리: 여보세요. 메리씨 잘 지내요? = Hello. Mary, How are you?

메리: 네, 잘 지내고 있어요. 하리씨는요? = I am doing well. What about you, Hari?

하리: 저도. 메리씨는 보통 주말에 뭐해요?  = Me too. Mary, what do you usually do on weekend??

메리: 영화관 가요. 하리씨는요? = I go to the movie theater. What about you, Hari?

하리: 저는 집에 있어요.  = I stay at home.

메리: 그럼 이번 토요일에 같이 가요!   = Then let's go together this Saturday!

하리: 정말요? 좋아요!!!  = Really? Sounds good!!!

메리: 그럼 1시에 만나요. = Then let's meet at 1 o'clock.

하리: 네! 그때 봐요. = Okay! See you then.

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

하리: 오! 앤디씨!! 오랜만이에요. 잘 지냈어요? = Oh, Andy! Long time no see. How have you been?

앤디: 네, 잘 지내고 있어요. 요즘 뭐해요?  = I am doing well. What are you doing today?

하리: 저는 요즘 친구를 자주 만나요 = Recently, I often meet my friends.

앤디: 아~ 그렇구나. 친구랑 보통 뭐 해요? = Oh, I got it. What do you usually do with your friend?

하리: 홍대 카페 가요. 앤디씨는요?  = We go to a cafe in Hongdae. What about you, Andy?

앤디: 한국어 공부해요.  = I study Korean.

하리: 오, 재미있어요?  = Oh, is it fun?

앤디: 네, 너무 재밌어요 = Yes, It's really fun.

Dialogue 2



1. Verb / Adjective + -아요, 어요, 해요

It is the polite form of present tense. The present tense is used to describe current actions, but it can also be used when suggesting to do something together. Additionally, adding a question mark at the end and raising your intonation when speaking will turn the sentence into a question.

When you are conjugating verbs into any tense, you need to drop "다".

  • 가다 — verb

  • verb stem

Form: To conjugate a verb or adjective into the present tense, you should take the verb stem, and add "아요, 어요, 해요"

  • -아요 when the word stem ends is ㅏ / ㅗ

  • -어요 when the word stem ends in a vowel other than ㅏ / ㅗ

  • -해요 when the predicate ends in 하다



다 + -아요 => 가아요 => 가요.

학교에 가요. = I go to school. (Statement)

학교에 가요! = Let's go to school. (Suggestion)

학교에 가요? = Do you go to school? (Question) 

다 + -아요 => 봐아요 => 봐요.

아버지는 신문을 봐요. = My father reads the newspaper.

다 + -어요 => 먹어요.

라면을 먹어요. = I eat ramen.

좋아하다 -> 해요 => 좋아해요.

저는 사과를 좋아해요. = I like apples.


예쁘다 + -어요. => 예뻐요.

제 친구는 예뻐요. = My friend is pretty.

똑똑하다-해요 => 똑똑해요.

저희 선생님은 똑똑해요. = My teacher is smart.

2. 에 / 에 가다

  • — at

indicates the time (when)

  •  in

indicates the place (where)

  •  to

    indicates the destination (where)

  • 에 가다  to

    indicates the destination someone is going

Form: Noun + Noun + 가다


1시 만나요. = See you at 1 o'clock.

월요일 운동을 해요. = I work out on Monday.

차 안 있어요. = In the car.

주스 주방 있어요. = The juice is in the kitchen.

시장에 가요. = I'm going to the market. 주말 한국 가요. = I'm going to Korea on the weekend

미국 여행을 가요. = I'm traveling to the U.S.



  • 잘 지내고 있어요? = How are you doing?

  • 보통 = usually

  • 주말 = weekend

  • 뭐해요? = What do you do? / What are you doing?

  • 영화 = Movie

  • 영화관 = Movie theater

  • 집 = Home

  • 재미있다 = to be fun / Interesting

  • 오랜만이에요 = Long time no see

  • 오늘 = Today

  • 친구 = Friend

  • 만나 = to meet

  • 카페 = Cafe

  • 공부하다 = to study

  • 학교 = School

  • 아버지 = Father

  • 신문 = Newspaper

  • 사과 = Apple

  • 라면 = Ra-myeon

  • 월요일 = Monday

  • 운동 = Exercise

  • 차 = Car

  • 주스 = Juice

  • 주방 = Kitchen

  • 시장 = Marketplace

  • 주말 = Weekend

  • 여행 = Travel


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