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Korean Vocabulary - Beauty

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Korean Vocabulary - Beauty

In this blog, I'll walk you through essential Korean beauty vocabularies that are perfect for conversations about physical appearance, health, and more. For a pronunciation guide, just click on the audio recordings. Let’s dive in!

Korean Month january

거울 [geo-ul]


거울로 제 얼굴을 봤어요.



I saw my face in the mirror.

Track 01

Korean Month january

향수 [hyang-su]


이 향수는 정말 좋은 냄새가 나요.



This perfume smells really good.

Track 02

Korean Month january

헤어 드라이기 [he-eo-deu-ra-i-gi]


헤어 드라이기로 머리를 빨리 말렸어요.



I dried my hair quickly with a hairdryer.

Track 03

Korean Month january

메이크업 [me-i-keu-eob]


오늘은 메이크업을 했어요.



I put on makeup today.

Track 04

Korean Month january

브러쉬 [beu-reo-shwi]


브러쉬로 화장을 하니까 더 예쁘게 나왔어요.

Makeup Brush


My makeup looks better when I use brushes.

Track 05

Korean Month january

립스틱 [lib-seu-tik]


립스틱을 바르면 얼굴이 화사해져요.



Putting on lipstick brightens up my face.

Track 06

Korean Month january

피부 관리 [pi-bu gwal-li]


피부 관리를 하면 피부가 좋아져요.

Skin Care


If I do skincare, my skin improves.

Track 07

Korean Month january

네일 아트 [ne-il-a-teu]


네일아트를 하면 손이 더 예뻐 보여요.

Nail Care


Doing nail care makes my hands look prettier.

Track 08

Korean Month january

매니큐어 [mae-ni-kyu-eo]


이 매니큐어 색깔이 정말 마음에 들어요.

Nail Polish


I really like the color of this nail polish.

Track 09

Korean Month january

크림 [keu-rim]


이 크림을 바르면 피부가 촉촉해져요.



This cream makes my skin feel moisturized.

Track 10

Korean Month january

샴푸 [syam-pu]


이 샴푸는 머리카락을 부드럽게 해줘요.



This shampoo makes my hair soft.

Track 11

Korean Month january

치약 [chi-yak]


치약을 사용하니까 입안이 상쾌해요.



After using toothpaste, my mouth feels fresh.

Track 12

Korean Month january

머리를 묶다 [meo-ri-reul mokk-da]


어떤 스타일로 머리를 묶으면 예쁠까요?

Tying Hair


How should I tie my hair to look pretty?

Track 13

Korean Month january

가위 [ga-wi]


가위로 머리를 조금 다듬었어요.



I trimmed my hair a little with scissors.

Track 14

Korean Month january

얼굴 마사지 [eol-gul ma-sa-ji-]


얼굴 마사지를 받은 후에 얼굴이 부드러워졌어요.

Face Massage


After getting a face massage, my skin feels softer.

Track 15

Korean Month january

미용실 [mi-yong-shil]


미용실에서 머리를 잘랐어요.

Hair Salon


I got a haircut at the salon.

Track 16

And that's it for beauty related vocabularies! What else would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇

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