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Korean Vocabulary - Months

Korean Vocabulary : Months

Whether it’s understanding travel itineraries, making plans with locals, or simply sharing when your birthday is, knowing how to say the months in Korean is incredibly useful. The good news is that learning the months in Korean is easier than you might think!

All you need to do is combine Sino-Korean numbers with the word “월” (wol), which means “month.” Once you grasp this idea, you'll find it easy to remember and use the months in everyday conversations.

Sino-Korean Number System:

1 - 일 (il)

2 - 이 (i)

3 - 삼 (sam)

4 - 사 (sa)

5 - 오 (o)

6 - 육 (yuk)

7 - 칠 (chil)

8 - 팔 (pal)

9 - 구 (gu)

10 - 십 (sip)

Korean Months

In Korea, months are usually written using numbers. For example, March is written as 3월 (samweol), January as 1월 (irweol), February as 2월 (iweol), and July as 7월 (chilweol).

Korean Month january

일 월 [il-weol]


1월에 눈이 많이 와요.



It snows a lot in January.

Track 01

Korean Month  february

이 월 [i-weol]


2월에는 한국 사람들이 설날을 축하해요.



In February, Koreans celebrate Lunar New Year.

Track 02
Korean Month march

삼 월 [sa-mweol]


3월에는 새로운 학기가 시작돼요.



The new school term starts in March.

Track 03
Korean Month  APRIL

사 월 [sa-weol]


4월에는 벚꽃이 펴요.



Cherry blossoms bloom in April.

Track 04
Korean Month may

오 월 [o-weol]


5월에는 어린이날이 있어요.



There is Children's Day in May.

Track 05
Korean Month june

유 월 [yu-weol]


6월에는 학교에서 운동회를 해요.



We have a sports day at school in June.

Track 06
Korean Month july

칠 월 [chil-weol]


내 남동생은 7월에 태어났다.



My younger brother was born in July.

Track 07
Korean Month  august

팔 월 [pal-weol]


8월은 긴 여름 방학이에요.



August is a long summer vacation.

Track 08
Korean Month September

구 월 [gu-weol]


저의 한국 친구와 저는 9월에 만날 거예요.



My Korean friend and I will meet in September.

Track 09
Korean Month October

시 월 [shi-weol]


한국인들은 10월 3일 개천절을 기념해요.



Koreans celebrate National Foundation Day on October 3.

Track 10
Korean Month November

십일 월 [shibi-rweol]


11월은 가을과 겨울 사이의 환절기예요.



November is the transition period between autumn and winter.

Track 11
Korean Month December

십이 월 [shibi-weol]


12월 25일 크리스마스에는 많은 사람들이 축하 파티 열어요.



On December 25th, many people hold celebration parties for Christmas.

Track 12


And that's it! It's super easy right? What else would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇


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