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Korean Vocabulary - Places

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Korean Vocabulary - Places

Get ready for an adventure through places in Korean! Whether you're planning a trip or simply curious about everyday Korean language, this list will give you the essential words you need to navigate different places. From asking where the supermarket is to chatting about your favorite coffee shop, these examples will make learning both fun and practical. Let’s explore these new terms together!

house icon



지금 집에 있어요.



I’m at home now.

Track 1

school icon

학교 [hak-kkyo]


학교에 가고 있어요.



I’m going to school.

Track 2

hospital icon

병원 [byeong-won]


병원에 다녀왔어요.



I just came from the hospital.

Track 3

hotel icon

호텔 [ho-tel]


호텔이 몇 층이에요?



How many floors does the hotel have?

Track 4

department store icon

백화점 [baek-kwa-jeom]


백화점에서 쇼핑해요.

Department Store


I’m shopping at the department store.

Track 5

bank icon

은행 [eun-haeng]


은행에 가서 돈을 찾았어요.



I went to the bank and withdrew money.

Track 6

church icon

교회 [gyo-hwi]


교회에서 기도했어요.



I prayed at the church.

Track 7

castle icon



성은 어디에 있어요?



Where is the castle?

Track 8

post office icon

우체국 [u-che-kuk]


우체국에서 편지를 보냈어요.

Post Office


I sent a letter at the post office.

Track 9

factory icon

공장 [gong-jang]


공장에서 일해요.



I work at a factory.

Track 10

convenience store icon

편의점 [pyeon-i-jeom]


편의점에서 음료수를 샀어요.

Convenience Store


I bought a drink at the convenience store.

Track 11

stadium icon

경기장 [gyeong-gi-jang]


경기장은 어디에 있어요?



Where is the stadium?

Track 12

park icon

공원 [gong-won]


공원에서 산책해요.



I’m taking a walk in the park.

Track 13

supermarket icon

슈퍼마켓 [syu-peo-ma-ket]


슈퍼마켓에 가서 과일을 샀어요.



I went to the supermarket to buy fruits.

Track 14

cinema icon

영화관 [yeong-hwa-gwan]


영화관에서 어떤 영화를 봐요?



What movie are you watching at the cinema?

Track 15

pharmacy icon

약국 [yak-kuk]


약국에서 약을 샀어요.



I bought medicine at the pharmacy.

Track 16

airport icon

공항 [gong-hang]


공항은 얼마나 멀어요?



How far is the airport?

Track 17

barber shop icon

이발소 [i-bal-so]


이발소에서 머리를 잘랐어요.

Barber Shop


I got my hair cut at the barber shop.

Track 18

fire station icon

소방서 [so-bang-seo]


소방서는 어디에 있어요?

Fire Station


Where is the fire station?

Track 19

gas station icon

주유소 [ju-yu-so]


주유소에서 기름을 넣었어요.

Gas Station


I filled up gas at the station.

Track 20

train station icon

기차역 [gi-cha-yeok]


기차역은 몇 시에 열어요?

Train Station


What time does the train station open?

Track 21

bus stop icon

버스 정류장 [beo-seu jeong-nyu-jang]


버스 정류장에서 기다려요.

Bus Stop


I’m waiting at the bus stop.

Track 22

restaurant icon

식당 [shik-dang]


식당은 몇 개 있어요?



How many restaurants are there?

Track 23

city hall icon

시청 [si-cheong]


시청 근처에 뭐 있어요?

City Hall


What is near City Hall?

Track 24

gym icon

체육관 [che-yuk-gwan]


체육관에서 운동해요.



Are you working out at the gym?

Track 25

library icon

도서관 [do-seo-gwan]


도서관은 어디에 있어요?



Where is the library?

Track 26

cafe icon

카페 [ka-pe]


카페에서 몇 시에 만날까요?



What time should we meet at the cafe?

Track 27

That's it for places category! What else would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇


Collaborate Camille X Hoorimi

BDB Korean enjoys creating Korean content with diverse individuals. If you are excited about this kind of work, don't hesitate to contact us.


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