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Learning Korean through conversation: Ordering food in restaurant

learning Korean : Ordering food

Learning Korean through conversation: Ordering food in restaurant

안녕하세요! Hello, this is Hoorimi from BDB KOREAN. Today we will learn how to order in a restaurant or cafe in Korean. Move on to dialogue practice, new grammar and useful vocabulary! Let's have fun together ~~



Conversation 1 (restaurant)

가: 어서 오세요!

= Welcome.

나: 안녕하세요! 

= Hello.

가: 주문하시겠어요?

= Would you like to order?

나: 네, 음… 이거 뭐예요?

= Yes, umm..what is this?

가: 해물 파스타예요. 오징어랑 홍합이 들어갔어요.

= That's seafood pasta with squid and mussels. 

나: 오~ 맛있겠다! 얼마예요?

= Oh, sounds delicious! How much is it?

가: 15,000원이에요.

= It's 15,000 won.

나: 네, 그럼 이거 주세요. 그리고 콜라도 하나 주세요.

= Okay, then I'll have this. And a Coke too, please.

가: 알겠습니다. 10분만 기다려주세요. 곧 가져다드릴게요.

= Got it. Please wait 10 minutes, and I will bring it to you soon.

나: 감사합니다!

= Thank you!

Dialogue 1

Conversation 2 (coffee shop)

가: 라떼 한 잔 주세요.

= One latte, please.

나: 네. 더 필요하신거 있으세요?

= Okay. Is there anything else you need?

가: 저거는 뭐예요? 브라우니 쿠키 옆에요! 

= What's that next to the brownie cookies!

나: 아~ 그거는 새로 나온 쿠키예요. 라떼랑 잘 어울려요.

= Ah, that's a new cookie. It goes great with a latte.

가: 진짜요? 초콜릿이에요?

= Really? Is it chocolate?

나: 초콜릿은 아니에요. 코코넛 쿠키예요.

= No, it's not chocolate. These are coconut cookies. 

가: 아, 그렇구나. 얼마예요?

= Ah, I see. How much is it?

나: 3,000원이에요.

= It's 3,000 won.

가: 좋아요, 그럼 코코넛 쿠키도 하나 주세요.

= Okay, then I'll take a coconut cookie as well. 

나: 네. 영수증 드릴까요?

= Sure. Would you like a receipt?

가: 아니요. 괜찮아요.

= No, thanks.

Dialogue 2



1. 이거, 저거, 그거

  • 이거 = this, this one 이거 points to an object next to you.

  • 그거 = that

    그거 indicates an object that is far from the speaker, but the listener is close to it. 

  • 저거 = that, over there 저거 indicates an object that is far away from both you and your listener.

    Or the one that was mentioned earlier.


이거 가방이에요. = This is a bag.

그거 원피스예요. = That’s a dress. 

저거 누구예요? = Who is that over there?

2. 얼마

  • 얼마 = How much?

  • 얼마나 + adjective or adverb = How + (big, soon, often and etc)


얼마예요? = How much is it?

얼마 냈어요? = How much did you pay?

얼마나 커요? = How big is it? 

얼마나 자주 와요? = How often do you come?

3. 주세요

  • 주세요 = Please, give me

Form: Noun (name of the item you want) + 주세요


김치 주세요. = Please give me some kimchi.

 숟가락을 주세요. = Please give me that spoon.

밥을 많이 주세요. = Give me a lot of rice.

4. 아니다

  • 아니다 = to be not

  • 아니에요 = to be not, it is not, you are not (the present tense form in the polite/formal language)


noun + 아니에요

We use 아니에요 when we want to say that something is NOT something.


이거 사과 아니에요. = This is not an apple.

저 학생 아니에요. = I am not a student. 

쿠키 아니에요. = This is not a cookie.



  • 어서 오세요! = Welcome!

  • 주문하다 = To order

  • 해물 = Seafood

  • 파스타 = Pasta

  • 오징어 = Squid

  • 홍합 = Mussels

  • 맛있다 = Delicious

  • 콜라 = Coke

  • 라떼 = Latte

  • 필요하다 = To have a need / To be necessary

  • 브라우니 쿠키 = Brownie cookies

  • 옆 = Side

  • 어울리다 = Harmonize / Get along with

  • 초콜릿 = Chocolate

  • 코코넛 = Coconut

  • 영수증 = Receipt

  • 가방 = Bag

  • 원피스 = Dress

  • 내다 = Pay

  • 자주 = Often

  • 김치 = Kimchi

  • 숟가락 = Spoon


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