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12 Useful Korean Phrases for Making Friends

12 Useful Korean Phrases
12 Useful Korean Phrases

12 Useful Korean Phrases for Making Friends

Do you want to make a Korean friend but don’t know how? Let me teach you some useful phrases that you can use to start a conversation and make Korean friends.

1. Hello.

: 안녕하세요. (Annyeonghaseyo.)

This is a friendly way to greet someone, and a good way to start a conversation.


Leo: 안녕하세요.


Minji: 오, 안녕하세요. 

Ah, hello. 

Leo: 이름이 뭐예요?

What’s your name?

2.  What’s your name?

: 이름이 뭐예요? (Ireumi mwoyeyo?)

This question is used to ask someone their name.


Leo: 이름이 뭐예요?

What’s your name?

Minji: 저는 민지예요.

I'm Minji.

Leo: 만나서 반가워요 민지씨. 저는 레오예요.

Nice to meet you. I’m Leo.

3. I am [Name].

: 저는 [이름]이에요. (Jeoneun [Your Name]-ieyo)

This phrase is used to introduce or state someone’s name.


Leo: 만나서 반가워요 민지씨. 저는 레오예요.

Nice to meet you. I’m Leo.

Minji: 저도 만나서 반가워요, 레오씨.

Nice to meet you too, Leo.

Minji: 한국어 잘하네요. 어디에서 왔어요?

You're good at Korean. Where are you from?

4. Where are you from?

: 어디에서 왔어요? (Eodieseo wasseoyo?)

When we make friends, we usually ask where the person is from. This is also a great way to open up more topics later on.


Minji: 한국어 잘하네요. 어디에서 왔어요?

You're good at Korean. Where are you from?

Leo: 고마워요. 영국에서 왔어요. 한국은 처음이에요.

Thank you. I’m from England. It's my first time in Korea.

Minji: 오 좋아요! 한국에 온 걸 환영해요.

Cool! Welcome to Korea.

5. Are you a student / Are you working?

: 학생이세요 / 일하세요? (Haksaengiseyo / Ihaseyo?)

This question can be asked to find out what they are currently doing, and even open up more topics such as their job title or the course they are taking.


Leo: 혹시, 학생이세요? 

By any chance, are you a student?

Minji: 아니요, 일하고 있어요.

No, I'm working.

Leo: 진짜요? 몇 살이세요?

Really? How old are you?

6. Wow, you look young.

:  와, 어려보여요.  (Wa, eoryeoboyeoyo.)

This phrase can be used to compliment someone by telling them that they look younger than their age.


Leo: 몇 살이세요?

How old are you?

Minji: 저는 96년생이에요. / 저는 28살이에요.

I was born in 1996. / I’m 28 years old.

Leo: 와, 어려보여요. 

Wow, you look young.

(Korea used to have a different age system compared to most countries. But recently, they changed it and they are now following the international age system. So when talking about ages, the local Koreans would often use the year they were born to describe their age.)

7. What are your hobbies?

: 취미가 뭐예요?  (Chwimiga mwoyeyo?)

You can use this phrase to know about their interests and what they do in their free time. Here, you can also learn about your similarities, or insights about their personality.


Leo: 취미가 뭐예요?

What are your hobbies?

Minji: 저는 요리를 좋아해요. 레오씨는요?

I like cooking. What about you?

Leo: 저는 여행하는 걸 좋아해요. 한국은 제가 가 본 네 번째 나라예요.

I like traveling. Korea is the fourth country I visited.

8. What kind of food do you like?

: 어떤 음식 좋아하세요? (Eotteon eumsik johahaseyo?)

You can also use this phrase to know about their preferences in food, and maybe ask what they can recommend for you to try!


Leo: 어떤 음식 좋아하세요?

What kind of food do you like?

Minji: 저는 한국 음식 좋아해요. 특히 김치찌개랑 불고기를 좋아해요.

I like Korean food. Especially kimchi stew and bulgogi.

Leo: 처음 들어보는데, 맛있어요?

I've never heard of it before. Is it good?

Minji: 네! 레오씨도 분명 좋아할 거예요.

Yes! I'm sure you'll like it.

9. What’s your MBTI?

: MBTI가 뭐예요? (Embitiaiga mwoyeyo?)

MBTI is a huge trend among younger generations in Korea. It is a psychological test that indicates your personality, and provides insights into how you perceive the world, make decisions, and interact with others. By their MBTI types, people can quickly understand each other’s personalities without lengthy explanations. You can ask this question when making friends in Korea.


Leo: MBTI가 뭐예요?

What’s your MBTI?

Minji: 저는 INFP예요. 레오씨는요?

I'm an INFP. What about you?

Leo: 저는 ENFJ예요.

I'm an ENFJ.

Minji: 와, 저희 MBTI가 비슷하네요.

Wow, we have similar MBTI.

10. What do you usually do on weekends? / 

What do you usually do when you rest?

: 보통 주말에 뭐 하세요. (Botong jumare mwo haseyo)

/ 보통 쉴 때 뭐 하세요?. (botong swil ttae mwo haseyo?)

You can ask about their typical activities or hobbies when they relax. Are they the type of people who go out for a walk or binge watch Netflix?


Leo: 민지씨, 보통 쉴 때 뭐 하세요?

Minji, what do you usually do when you rest?

Minji: 쉴때는 음악을 듣거나 책을 읽어요.

When I rest, I listen to music or read books.

Leo: 저도요! 지금 어떤 책을 읽고 있어요?

Me too! What book are you reading now?

11. By any chance, can I add you as a friend on KakaoTalk?

: 혹시 카톡 친구추가 해도 돼요? (Hokshi katok chinguchuga haedo dwaeyo?)

When you feel like you are getting close with each other, you can connect with them online in the most popular messaging app in Korea called Kakaotalk, and exchange messages wherever you are.


Leo: 혹시 카톡 친구 추가 해도 돼요?

By any chance, can I add you as a friend on KakaoTalk?

Minji: 그럼요! 제 아이디는 minji96***에요.

Sure! My ID is minji96***.

Leo: 고마워요! 친추할게요! (친추 = 친구추가)

Thank you. I'll add you as a friend!

12. When you have time, would you like to go to [place] together?

: 시간있을 때, 같이 [장소]에 갈래요?  (Shiganisseul ttae, gatchi [jangso]e gallaeyo?)

Inviting someone to spend time together is one of the friendly gestures you can do when making friends. You can invite them for a coffee in their free time.


Minji: 레오씨, 좀 더 이야기하고 싶은데, 이제 가야해요. 미안해요.

I wish we could talk more, but I have to go now. I'm sorry.

Leo: 아, 괜찮아요! 다음에 시간 있을 때, 같이 카페 갈래요?

Oh, it's okay! When you have time later, would you like to go to a cafe together?

Minji: 좋죠! 카톡할게요. 다음에 봐요!

Sure! I'll text you. See you later!

And that's it! I hope you can make a lot of Korean friends! What phrases would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇


Writer : Camille

Camille is a Korean language learner and a freelance copywriter.

I presented her these phrases and she wrote this blog. Lastly, I approved this blog.

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