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12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Hospital

12 useful Korean phrases in hospital(thumbnail)
12 useful Korean phrases in hospital

12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Hospital

Sometimes during our trip abroad we cannot avoid the chances of getting sick or hurt. If you happen to be in Korea and you are not feeling well, or there is a health concern that must be treated immediately in hospital, this blog is going to help you.

Also, you don’t need to worry about the costs of getting treated as hospitals in Korea are much cheaper than other countries.

In this blog, the contents that I’m going to show you are mostly used in 내과 (Naegwa) or “internal medicine", which encompasses the diagnosis, treatment, and care of internal organ systems.

(When it comes to hospital care for external or surgical body problems, it is called 외과 (Oegwa). This word translates to "surgery" or "surgical department" and deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that may require surgical intervention.)

*Note: This blog must be only used as a guide for Korean language learners, and each example written here must not be taken as medical advice. If you are experiencing any health concerns, seek consultation from professionals immediately.


1. I'm here for a consultation.

: 진료 받으러 왔어요. (Jilryo badeuro wasseoyo.)

This phrase is used when you arrive at a medical facility for a doctor's appointment.


Patient: 안녕하세요. 진료 받으러 왔어요.

Hello. I'm here for a consultation.

Nurse: 네, 안녕하세요. 예약하셨나요?

Hello. Did you make an appointment?

Patient: 네, '제시'로 예약했어요.

Yes, the appointment is under the name Jessi.

2. Do I need to make a reservation?

: 예약해야 하나요? (Yeyakhaeya hanayo?)

If you are unsure if an appointment is necessary before seeing a doctor or getting medical services, you can use this phrase.


Patient: 예약해야 하나요?

Do I need to make an appointment?

Nurse: 네, 진료는 예약이 필요한데 예약 도와드릴까요?

Yes, you need a doctor's appointment, would you like me to help you make one?

3. What are your symptoms?

: 증상이 어떻게 되세요? (Jeungsangi eotteohke doeseyo?)

Once you meet the doctor or the medical professional who will check on you, they will ask you this question to know what symptoms you are experiencing.


Doctor: 증상이 어떻게 되세요?

What are your symptoms?

Patient: 열이 나고 오한이 있어요.

I have a fever and chills.

Doctor: 언제부터 그러셨어요?

Since when have you been feeling like this?

4. I feel nauseous.

: 속이 울렁거려요. (Sogi ulleong-geolyeoyo.)

Use this phrase to express discomfort in the stomach, or when you feel like you might vomit.


Patient: 속이 울렁거려요.

I feel nauseous.

Doctor: 언제부터 그러셨어요?

Since when have you been feeling like this?

Patient: 어제 저녁부터 계속 그래요.

It started last night and hasn’t stopped.

5. My head hurts. / My throat hurts.

:  머리가 아파요. / 목이 아파요. (Moriga apayo / Mogi apayo.)

These are the most common symptoms that you may feel so I included it here. Just put which part of the body feels the pain before 아파요 (apayo). 아파요 means to feel pain.


Patient: 목이 아파요.

My throat hurts.

Doctor: 목을 좀 볼게요… 아... 많이 부었네요. 목감기인 것 같아요.

Let me take a look at your throat... Ah, your throat is very swollen. It looks like you have a throat infection.

6. I have a cold.

: 감기에 걸렸어요. (Gamgie geollyeosseoyo.)

This symptom is also very common so I included it. If you ever suffer from colds, use this phrase.


Patient: 감기에 걸렸어요. 기침하고 콧물이 나요.

I have a cold. I have a cough and runny nose.

Doctor: 네, 진찰해볼게요.

Let me examine you.

Doctor: 감기가 심하시네요. 약 처방해 드릴게요. 푹 쉬시고 물 많이 드세요. 

You have a strong cold. I'll prescribe you some medication. Make sure to rest well and drink plenty of water.

7. I got hives.

: 두드러기가 났어요. (Dudeurogiga nasseoyo.)

Use this phrase if you have itchy, raised welts on your skin.


Patient: 두드러기가 났어요.

I got hives.

Doctor: 알레르기 있으세요?

Do you have any allergies?

Patient: 없어요.

I don't have.

Doctor: 진찰해볼게요… 심하네요. 항히스타민제를 처방해드릴게요.

Let me examine you… It’s quite severe. I'll prescribe you an antihistamine.

8. I have heartburn.

: 속이 쓰려요. (Sogi sseuryoyo.)

Use this phrase if you feel a burning sensation or discomfort in the stomach or chest area. It is often caused by stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus. 


Patient: 선생님, 속이 너무 쓰려요.

Doctor, I have a heartburn.

Doctor: 배에 약간 자극이 있는 느낌이세요?

Is it a feeling of slight irritation in your stomach?

Patient: 네, 맞아요!

Yes, that's right.

Doctor: 음.. 좀 더 자세한 진단을 위해서, 몇 가지 검사를 해볼게요.

I will be conducting some tests for a more detailed diagnosis.

9. I have a fever and chills.

: 열이나고 오한이 있어요. (Yeori nago ohani isseoyo.)

Use this phrase to inform the doctor about the symptoms of having a fever and chills. 


Patient: 열이나고 오한이 있어요.

I have a fever and chills.

Doctor: 얼마나 됐어요? (Eolmana dwaesseoyo?)

How long has it been?

Patient: 어제부터 열나고 몸살이 더 심해졌어요. (Eojebuteo yeori nago momsari deo shimhaejyeosseoyo.)

Since yesterday, I've had a fever and my body aches have gotten worse.

Doctor: 검사 해볼게요. 독감일 수도 있겠네요. 

I'll perform an examination. It could be the flu.

10. Can you speak in English?

: 영어로 말해주실 수 있으세요? (Yeongoro malhaejushil ssu isseuseyo?)

If you are having a hard time expressing your symptoms in Korean, use this phrase to ask if they can speak in English. That way, you can describe your symptoms easier and more detailed.


Patient: 선생님, 혹시, 영어로 말해주실 수 있으세요?

Doctor, by any chance, can you speak in English?

Doctor: 네, 그럼요.

Yes, sure.

Patient: 자세한 증상을 한국어로 말하기 어려워요. 영어로 말할게요. 

I find it difficult to express my detailed symptoms in Korean. I will say it in English.

11. Do I need to get an injection?

: 주사 맞아야 돼요? (Jusa majaya dwaenayo?)

Most of us fear getting an injection so I also included this phrase in case you need it. You’re welcome! 


Doctor: 알레르기 반응이 있네요. 항히스타민제를 처방해 드릴게요.

You have an allergic reaction. I'll prescribe you an antihistamine.

Customer: 주사 맞아야 돼요?

Do I need to get an injection?

Doctor: 괜찮아요. 약으로 먹어도 돼요.

No need. You can take the medicine orally. 

12. Is it insured?

: 보험 되나요? (Boheom doenayo?)

If you want to confirm whether your medical expenses will be covered by a health insurance plan, you can ask this question before the consultation. 


Customer: 진료 받으러 왔어요. 근데 혹시, 보험 되나요?

I'm here for a consultation. By any chance, is it insured?

Nurse: 네, 보험증 보여주세요.

Yes, please show your insurance card.

Customer: 여기요, 감사합니다.

Here it is, thank you.


I hope you learn something from today’s lesson! and if you want to practice these phrases with teacher Hoorimi, you can join "BDB Gathering" (4th on June)!

**What phrases would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇

collaborator : Camille

Camille is a Korean language learner and a freelance copywriter. I taught her some useful phrases, and then she wrote this blog.

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