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Korean Vocabulary With Icons- Animals

작성자 사진: BDB KoreanBDB Korean

Korean Vocabulary - Animals

Get ready to learn some fun animal vocabularies in Korean! This list includes short and simple sentences that will help you remember the words easily. Whether you’re chatting about pets or spotting animals around you, these examples will make your learning enjoyable and memorable. Let’s dive into these new words together!

Korean Month january



개가 짖었어요.



The dog barked.

Track 01. 개 [gae]

Korean Month january

고양이 [ko-yang-i]


고양이가 의자 위에 있어요.



The cat is on the chair.

Track 02. 고양이 [ko-yang-i]

Korean Month january

나비 [na-bi]


나비가 꽃 위에 앉았어요.



The butterfly sat on the flower.

Track 03. 나비 [na-bi]

Korean Month january



새가 너무 시끄러워요.



The bird is so noisy.

Track 04. 새 [sae]

Korean Month january

원숭이 [won-sung-i]


원숭이가 바나나를 먹어요.



The monkey is eating a banana.

Track 05. 원숭이 [won-sung-i]

Korean Month january

물고기 [mul-go-gi]


물고기들이 빠르게 헤엄쳐요.



The fish are swimming fast.

Track 06. 물고기 [mul-go-gi]

Korean Month january



곰이 겨울잠을 자고 있어요.



The bear is hibernating.

Track 07. 곰 [gom]

Korean Month january

개구리 [gae-gu-ri]


개구리가 점프했어요!



The frog jumped!

Track 08. 개구리 [gae-gu-ri]

Korean Month january

돌고래 [dol-go-rae]


돌고래가 물 위로 뛰어올라요.



The dolphin is jumping out of the water.

Track 09. 돌고래 [dol-go-rae]

Korean Month january



닭이 달걀을 낳았어요.



The chicken laid an egg.

Track 10. 닭 [dak]

Korean Month january



벌이 꿀을 모으고 있어요.



The bee is collecting honey.

Track 11. 벌 [beol]

Korean Month january

토끼 [to-kki]


토끼가 당근을 먹고 있어요.



The bunny is eating a carrot.

Track 12. 토끼 [to-kki]

Korean Month january

거북이 [geo-buk-i]


거북이가 천천히 걸어가요.



The turtle is walking slowly.

Track 13. 거북이 [geo-buk-i]

Korean Month january

오리 [o-ri]


오리가 물에서 놀고 있어요.



The duck is playing in the water.

Track 14. 오리 [o-ri]

Korean Month january



말이 달리고 있어요.



The horse is running.

Track 15. 말 [mal]

Korean Month january

펭귄 [peng-gwin]


펭귄이 미끄러져 내려갔어요.



The penguin slid down.

Track 16. 펭귄 [peng-gwin]

Korean Month january



게가 옆으로 걷고 있어요.



The crab is walking sideways.

Track 17. 게 [ge]

Korean Month january

도마뱀 [do-ma-baem]


도마뱀이 벽을 올라가요.



The lizard is climbing the wall.

Track 18. 도마뱀 [do-ma-baem]

Korean Month january

상어 [sang-eo]


상어가 나타났어요!



A shark appeared!

Track 19. 상어 [sang-eo]

Korean Month january

비둘기 [bi-dul-gi]


비둘기가 빵을 먹고 있어요.



The pigeon is eating bread.

Track 20. 비둘기 [bi-dul-gi]

Korean Month january

너구리 [neo-gu-ri]


너구리가 귀여워요.



The raccoon is cute.

Track 21. 너구리 [neo-gu-ri]

Korean Month january

거미 [geo-mi]


거미가 거미줄을 만들고 있어요.



The spider is making a web.

Track 22. 거미 [geo-mi]

Korean Month january

새우 [sae-u]


새우가 빨갛게 변했어요.



The shrimp turned red.

Track 23. 새우 [sae-u]

Korean Month january

사자 [sa-ja]


사자가 크게 울부짖었어요.



The lion roared loudly.

Track 24. 사자 [sa-ja]

Korean Month january

낙타 [nak-ta]


낙타가 사막에서 걸어가고 있어요.



The camel is walking in the desert.

Track 25. 낙타 [nak-ta]

Korean Month january

순록 [sul-lok]


순록이 눈 속에서 뛰어다녀요.



The reindeer is running in the snow.

Track 26. 순록 [sul-lok]

Korean Month january



소가 풀을 먹고 있어요.



The cow is eating grass.

Track 27. 소 [so]

Korean Month january

돼지 [dwae-ji]


돼지가 진흙에서 뒹굴어요.



The pig is rolling in the mud.

Track 28. 돼지 [dwae-ji]

Korean Month january

판다 [pan-da]


판다가 대나무를 먹어요.



The panda is eating bamboo.

Track 29. 판다 [pan-da]

Korean Month january

코끼리 [ko-kki-ri]


코끼리가 커요.



The elephant is big.

Track 30. 코끼리 [ko-kki-ri]

And that's it for animal vocabularies! What else would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇


Collaborate Camille X Hoorimi

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