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Korean Vocabulary with emoji - Emotions

최종 수정일: 8시간 전

Korean Emotions and Feelings
Korean Vocabulary - Emotions

Explore Korean words for emotions with fun, simple sentences! Whether you're sharing your mood or understanding others, these examples will make learning easy and engaging. Let's get started!


You can follow along with this recording and say it out loud.

  1. Pronounce it letter by letter.

  2. Read it slowly, emphasizing the connected sounds.

  3. Say it quickly and naturally.

Korean Emotion Happy

행복하다 [haeng-bok-ha-da]


오늘 저는 행복해요.



I am happy today.

Track 1

Korean Emotion Sad

슬프다 [seul-peu-da]


영화를 보고 슬펐어요.



I watched a movie and felt sad.

Track 2

Korean Emotion Angry

화나다 [hwa-na-da]


친구가 화났어요.



My friend is angry.

Track 3

Korean Emotion Excited

신나다 [shin-na-da]


새 가방을 사서 신나요.



I'm excited to get my new bag.

Track 4

Korean Emotion Surprised

놀라다 [nol-la-da]


그 소식을 듣고 놀랐어요.



I was surprised to hear the news.

Track 5

Korean Emotion Scared

무섭다 [mu-seop-da]


그 영화는 무서워요.



The movie was scary.

Track 6
Korean Emotion Bored

심심하다 [sim-sim-ha-da]


심심해서 책을 읽었어요.



I was bored, so I read a book.

Track 7

Korean Emotion Tired

피곤하다 [pi-gon-ha-da]


하루종일 일해서 피곤해요.



I’m tired from working all day.

Track 8

Korean Emotion Confused

헷갈리다 [het-gal-lida]


이 지도가 너무 헷갈려요.



This map is so confusing.

Track 9

Korean Emotion Nervous

긴장되다 [gin-jang-dwi-da]


공연하는 게 긴장돼요.



I'm nervous about performing.

Track 10

Korean Emotion Shy

부끄럽다 [bu-kkeu-reop-da]


저는 사람들 앞에서 부끄러워요.



I feel shy in front of people.

Track 11

Korean Emotion Jealous

질투나다 [jil-tu-na-da]


친구한테 질투나요.



I’m jealous of my friend.

Track 12

Korean Emotion Embarrassed

창피하다 [chang-pi-ha-da]


넘어져서 창피했어요.



I was embarrassed because I fell.

Track 13

Korean Emotion Frustrated

답답하다 [dap-dap-ha-da]


일이 안 돼서 답답해요.



I'm frustrated because things aren't working.

Track 14

Korean Emotion Lonely

외롭다 [oe-rop-da]


혼자라서 외로워요.



I feel lonely being alone.

Track 15

Korean Emotion Proud

자랑스럽다 [ja-rang-seu-reop-da]


제 동생이 정말 자랑스러워요.



I’m really proud of my brother.

Track 16

Korean Emotion Disappointed

실망하다 [shil-mang-ha-da]


시험 결과가 나와서 실망했어요.



I was disappointed with the exam results.

Track 17

Korean Emotion Curious

궁금하다 [gung-geum-ha-da]


이 책이 궁금해요.



I’m curious about this book.

Track 18

Korean Emotion Love

사랑하다 [sa-rang-ha-da]


저는 우리 가족을 많이 사랑해요.



I love my family a lot.

Track 19

Korean Emotion Hopeful

희망하다 [hwi-mang-ha-da]


미래가 밝아서 희망적이에요.



I’m hopeful because the future looks bright.

Track 20

And that's it for Korean Vocabulary - Emotions! What else would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇

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