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Learn Korean Grammar with Iconic Lines from K-Drama: Reply 1988

작성자 사진: BDB KoreanBDB Korean

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Have you ever watched the Korean drama '응답하라 1988' (Reply 1988)? Set in the late ’80s, this heartwarming series takes you on a nostalgic journey filled with friendship, family, and first love.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing out! With lovable characters and touching life lessons, Reply 1988 will make you laugh, cry, and feel right at home. And the best part? Since the drama is full of everyday conversations between family and friends, it’s a fantastic way to learn real, natural Korean!

In this blog, we’ll dive into Korean grammar through Reply 1988. Let’s get started! 🚀

1. Verb+-(으)면서 (Two actions happening simultaneously)

"어른들도 아파. 다만 그걸 꾹 참고 있을 뿐이야. 나이 먹으면서 생긴 책임감 때문에 바쁘게 살았고, 강한 척했을 뿐이지."

"Adults also feel pain. They just endure it. They lived busy lives due to the responsibilities that came with aging and only pretended to be strong."

Dong-il breaks down at his mother's funeral.
Scene when Dong-il breaks down at his mother's funeral.

Grammar Explanation

  • Used when two actions or states occur simultaneously.

  • ‘-면서’ is attached to verbs with a vowel.

  • ‘-으면서’ is attached to verbs with a final consonant.

Example Sentences

  1. 저는 음악을 들으면서 공부해요. I study while listening to music.

  2. 친구와 이야기를 나누면서 커피를 마셨어요. I drank coffee while chatting with my friend.

  3. 우리는 걸으면서 사진을 찍었어요. We took pictures while walking.

2. Verb+-ㄹ/을 때 (When, at a specific time)

"네가 태어났을 땐 널 어떻게 키울까 고민했고, 네 형이 태어났을 땐 그 아이를 어떻게 좋은 사람으로 만들까 고민했어."

"When you were born, I worried about how to raise you. When your older brother was born, I worried about how to make him a good person."

"그땐 인터넷도, 스마트폰도 없었잖아. 지금 생각해 보면 그 긴 시간을 어떻게 보냈나 싶다."

"Back then, there was no internet or smartphones. Thinking about it now, I wonder how we spent all that time."

 Sung Dong Il apologized to her daughter.
Scene when Sung Dong Il apologized and surprised her daughter, Deok Sun with a birthday cake.

Grammar Explanation

  • It indicates the time when an action or state occurs.

  • -ㄹ 때’ is used with verbs with a vowel.

  • ‘-을 때’ is used with verbs with a final consonant.

  • '때는' can be shorten to ''.

Example Sentences

  1. 저는 어릴 때 피아노를 배웠어요. I learned to play the piano when I was young.

  2. 비가 올 때 우산을 가져가세요.Take an umbrella when it rains.

  3. 시험을 볼 때 긴장하지 마세요. Don't be nervous when taking an exam.

3. Verb+-ㄹ/을 수 있다, 없다 (Possibility, ability)

"사랑한다는 건 미워하지 않는다는 뜻이 아니야. 미워할 수 없다는 뜻이지."

"Loving someone doesn’t mean you don’t hate them. It means you can’t hate them."

"시간은 항상 흐른다. 모든 것은 지나간다. 그래서 청춘이 아름다운 것일지도 모른다. 단 한순간 눈이 부시게 빛나지만, 다시 돌아갈 수는 없다"

"Time always flows. Everything passes. Maybe that’s why youth is beautiful. It shines brilliantly for a moment, but you can never go back."

Deoksun visited the street they used to live on with her family and friends.
Scene when Deoksun visited the street they used to live on with her family and friends.

Grammar Explanation

  • ‘-ㄹ 수 있다’ expresses that an action or state is possible.

  • ‘-ㄹ 수 없다’ expresses that an action or state is impossible.

  • ‘-ㄹ 수 있다/없다’ is attached to verbs without a final consonant or those ending in ‘ㄹ’.

  • ‘-을 수 있다/없다’ is attached to verbs with a final consonant.

Example Sentences

  1. 저는 한국어를 읽을 수 있어요. I can read Korean.

  2. 오늘은 너무 피곤해서 운동을 할 수 없어요. I’m too tired today to exercise.

  3. 이 문제를 혼자서 풀 수 있을까요? Can you solve this problem by yourself?

We hope you learned new Korean grammars with Kdrama: Reply 1988. Learning Korean becomes so much more enjoyable when you watch a heartwarming drama! Through its meaningful lines and heartfelt moments, you not only learn the language but also connect with the emotions and culture behind it.

What’s your favorite line from Reply 1988? Share it in the comments below!


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