Learning Korean through conversation: Introduction.
Hello, this is Hoorimi from BDB KOREAN. In this blog we will explore the topic of “소개 — introduction”, combine useful grammar and vocabulary, and also practice natural dialogues. Let's start!
Standard (stranger-stranger)
가: 안녕하세요.
= Hello.
나: 네, 안녕하세요. 만나서 반가워요.
= Hello. Nice to meet you.
가: 저도 만나서 반가워요. 제 이름은 지민이에요.
= Nice to meet you too. My name is Jimin.
나: 저는 쥴리예요. 지민씨는 몇 살이에요?
= I am Julie. How old are you?
가: 저는 23살이에요. 쥴리씨는요?
= I am 23. What about you?
나: 아, 지민씨가 언니예요. 저는 22살이에요. = You are older than me. I am 22.
**if you want to read more conversation dialogues, click here.
2. GRAMMAR 1. NOUN + 이에요 / 예요 this grammar has a similar role to that of the English verb “to be”.
Use -예요 after a verb stem ending in a vowel.
Use -이에요 after a verb stem ending in a consonant.
In English, the verb “to be” is changed to “am”, “is”, “are”, but in Korean, you decide whether to use -이에요 or -예요.
수박이에요 = It is a watermelon
학교예요 = It is a school
2. NOUN + 은 / 는 Topic marking particles in Korean.
Use -는 after a verb stem ending in a vowel.
Use -은 after a verb stem ending in a consonant.
The primary purpose of topic-marking particles is to emphasize the topic of sentence and show "what" or "whom" you are talking about.
유나 씨는 지금 어디예요? = Where is Yuna now?
이것은 오이예요. = It is a cucumber.
3. NOUN + 이 / 가 Subject marking particles in Korean.
Use -가 after a verb stem ending in a vowel.
Use -이 after a verb stem ending in a consonant.
The primary purpose of subject-marking particles is to emphasize the subject of sentence and show "who" did something, or "what" is being described.
누가 했어요? = Who did this?
카페 사람이 많아요. = There are a lot of people in the cafe.
University / College
가: 안녕하세요. 저는 에미예요. 혹시 이름이 뭐예요?
= Hello. I am Emie. What is your name?
나: 아… 안녕하세요. 저는 하리예요. 어디에서 왔어요?
= Hello. I am Hari. Where are you from?
가: 프랑스에서 왔어요. 하리씨는 한국사람이에요?
= I am from France. Hari, are you Korean?
나: 네, 한국 사람이에요.
= Yes, I am Korean.
가: 저는 한국에 친구가 없어요. 저랑 친구할래요?
= I don't have friends in Korea. Shall we be friends?
나: 네, 좋아요. 혹시 카톡있어요?
= Yes. Do you have KakaoTalk?
가: 네, 있어요! 친구 추가해요.
= Yes, I do! Let's add friends.
가: 안녕하십니까. 처음 뵙겠습니다. 마케팅 팀 조이입니다.
= Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Joy from the marketing team.
나: 네, 안녕하세요. 김수영 팀장이에요. 반가워요.
= Hello, I'm team leader Kim Soo-young. Nice to meet you.
가: 앞으로 잘 부탁드립니다.
= I'm looking forward to working with you.
나: 네, 질문이 있으면 언제든지 물어보세요.
= Yes, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
가: 감사합니다.
= Thank you.
안녕하세요 = Hello
만나서 반가워요 = Nice to meet you (Casual)
만나서 반갑습니다 = Nice to meet you (Formal)
몇 살이에요? = How old are you?
어디에서 왔어요? = Where are you from?
하다 = Do / Have / Play
이름 = A name
프랑스 = France
한국 = Korea
사람 = Person / Human
친구 = Friend
카톡 = KakaoTalk
마케팅 = Marketing
팀 = Team
팀장 = Team leader
부탁 = Favor
질문 = Question
물어보다 = Ask
수박 = Watermelon
학교 = School
오이 = Cucumber
카페 = Cafe
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