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Prepare for a Warm Winter with 20 Christmas Words in Korean!🎄

작성자 사진: BDB KoreanBDB Korean

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Korean Vocabulary - 20 Christmas Words

Christmas is just around the corner! 🎄

Hello, BDB Korean learners! The end of the year is quickly approaching. Christmas is a special day when people around the world share joy and love. In Korea, Christmas is also a delightful day spent with loved ones, whether it’s your family, friends, or that special someone.

Today, we’ll learn 20 essential Korean vocabulary words related to Christmas.  These words, along with handy example sentences, will help you express the holiday spirit in Korean and make your Christmas experience even more meaningful. Let’s get started!

house icon

크리스마스/성탄절  [keuriseumaseu/seongtanjeol]


올해 크리스마스는 가족과 보내요.



I’m spending Christmas with my family.


There are two ways to refer to Christmas in Korean. Actually, 크리스마스 is Konglish (a mix of Korean and English), so the pronunciation is almost the same as in English. The other term comes from Chinese characters: 성 (saint), 탄 (birth), and 절 (period or memorial day).

And here are the three people(?) when you think of when you think of Christmas: Jesus, Santa Claus, and the adorable Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Who are you looking forward to the most?

school icon

예수님 [ye-su-nim]


성탄절은 예수님이 태어난 날이에요.



Christmas is the day Jesus was born.


hospital icon

산타클로스 [san-ta-keul-lo-seu]


산타클로스를 기다려요.

Santa Claus


I’m waiting for Santa Claus.


hotel icon

루돌프 [ru-dol-peu]


루돌프가 썰매를 끌어요.



Rudolph pulls the sleigh.


And here are some words for getting ready for Christmas, and some words for activities you can do on Christmas Day. Right now, you're busy getting ready for Christmas! You're decorating the tree, hanging stockings, and writing Christmas cards.

Moreover, what if there was white snow on Christmas Day? We're going to have a snowball fight on White Christmas and I can't wait!

Let's learn how to say all these words in Korean!

department store icon

선물 [seon-mul]


친구에게 선물을 줬어요.



I gave a gift to my friend.


bank icon

트리 [teu-ri]


크리스마스 트리를 꾸며요.

Christmas Tree


I’m decorating the Christmas tree.


church icon



눈이 내려요.



It’s snowing.

castle icon

눈사람 [nun-sa-ram]


아이들이 눈사람을 만들고 있어요.



The kids are making a snowman.


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눈싸움 [nun-ssa-eum]


눈싸움 할래요?

Snowball fight


Want to have a snowball fight?


factory icon

장식 [jang-sik]


트리에 장식을 걸었어요.



I hung decorations on the tree.


convenience store icon

카드 [ka-deu]


크리스마스 카드를 썼어요.



I wrote a Christmas card.


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양말 [yang-mal]


벽난로에 양말을 걸었어요.



I hung stockings on the fireplace.


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촛불 [chot-bul]


촛불을 켤게요.



I'll light the candle.


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케익 [ke-ik]


크리스마스 케익을 나눠 먹어요.



Let’s share the Christmas cake.


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캐럴 [kae-reol]


캐럴을 부르자.



Let's sing a carol.


Are you all set to celebrate the holidays? I wish you a very merry Christmas, spending quality time with your loved ones and spreading joy to everyone you meet!

Especially in Korea, we tend to have Christmas parties with friends or dates with our significant others rather than spending time with our families. But guys, if you end up spending Christmas alone in Korea, we hope you don't feel too lonely. There are always people who love and support you even if you don't see them at Christmas! We at BDB Korean are rooting for you too!

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가족 [ga-jok]


가족과 함께 시간을 보낼 거예요.



I will spend time with my family.


airport icon

기쁨 [gi-ppeum]


모두에게 기쁨을 나누자.



Let's share the joy with everyone.


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파티 [pa-ti]


파티가 언제 시작해요?



When does the party start?


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준비하다 [jun-bi-ha-da]


케이크를 준비했어요.

To prepare


I prepared the cake.


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데이트하다 [de-i-teu-ha-da]


크리스마스에 데이트 할 거예요.

To go on a date


I’m going on a date on Christmas.


Whether you’re in Korea or anywhere else in the world, I hope you have a Christmas filled with blessings while singing joyful carols like “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells!” Shall we end by giving our Christmas greetings in Korean one last time?

"메리 크리스마스!"

That's it for words on Christmas! What else would you like to learn next? Comment down below 👇

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