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12 Useful Korean Phrases Used in Coffee Shop

최종 수정일: 5월 31일

12 Useful Korean phrases (thumbnail)

12 Useful Phrases Used in Coffee Shop

Coffee shops are really famous in South Korea, as you may have seen on Kdramas. They usually have Instagram-worthy interior designs and quality foods and drinks. Are you planning on visiting a coffee shop in Korea and trying a Korean cafe experience? Let me teach you some basic phrases that can help make your cafe experience more memorable!

1. May I take your order?

: 주문하시겠어요? (Jumunhashigessoyo?)

This is the first thing a cafe employee asks once you enter a coffee shop and take a seat. 


Staff: 어서오세요! 주문하시겠어요?

Welcome! May I take your order?

Customer: 네, 라떼 하나 주세요.

Yes, I'd like a latte, please.

2. One glass of (iced) Americano and one glass of lemon tea, please.

: 아메리카노 1잔, 레몬티 1잔 주세요. (Amerikano hanjan, lemonti hanjan juseyo.)

This is an example of how you can order more than 1 drink in Korean cafes. The counter for glass/cup of drink in Korea is 잔 (jan).

Iced Americano is a coffee with ice and it is shortened to “아.아” (ah.ah = aiseu amerikano). The strong coffee commonly consumed in Europe can be ordered as “espresso” in Korea. An iced Americano consists of one shot of espresso combined with water and ice. Korean people like to drink iced Americano a lot, even during the winter season. There’s even a word called “얼죽아” (Eoljeuk-ah) which means "Iced americano even if I freeze to death".


Staff: 주문하시겠어요? 

May I take your order?

Customer: 네, 아메리카노 1잔, 레몬티 1잔 주세요.

One glass of (iced) Americano and one glass of lemon tea, please.

3. (Menu name), is this good?

: (메뉴이름), 이거 맛있어요? [(Menyu ireum), igeo mashisseoyo?]

When you see something unfamiliar in the menu and you want to know if it is good, you can try to ask this question.


Customer: 달고나 커피, 이거 맛있어요?

Dalgona coffee, is this good?

Staff:  네, 맛있어요. 달고나 커피는 인스턴트 커피에 설탕, 물, 우유를 넣고 휘핑하고 거품이 많이 나는 아이스 커피예요.

Yes, it's good. Dalgona coffee is instant coffee with sugar, water, and milk, whipped and bubbly iced coffee.

4. Is there a signature menu here?

: 여기 시그니처 메뉴가 있어요? (Yeogi sigeunicheo menyuga isseoyo?)

There are a lot of really pretty private cafes in Korea. Some of those famous private cafes have signature menus. You can try special flavors that you can't eat in other cafes. Make sure to try them when you get to Korea!


Customer: 여기 시그니처 메뉴 있어요?

Is there a signature menu here?

Staff: 네, 저희 시그니처 메뉴는 인절미라떼가 있어요. 고소한 인절미 떡 맛이 나는 크리미한 음료인데 한번 드셔보시겠어요? 

Yes, our signature menu has Injeolmi Latte. It's a creamy drink that tastes like savory Injeolmi rice cake. Would you like to try it?

5. With an extra shot, please.

: 샷 추가해주세요. (Syat chugahaejuseyo.)

When you order any coffee drinks and you want to add an extra shot of espresso for more coffee flavor, use this phrase while ordering.


Staff:  안녕하세요. 주문하시겠어요? 

Hello. May I take your order?

Customer: 네, 아메리카노 1잔, 샷 추가해주세요.

Yes, One glass of (iced) Americano please. With an extra shot please.

6. What size would you like?

: 사이즈는 뭘로 드릴까요? (Saijeuneun mwolro deurilkkayo?)

When you order your drinks, the staff will ask you about the size of your drinks. Here’s how sizes are categorized in Korea: 

Private Cafe: 

S (Small) M (Middle) L (Large)


S 숏(Short) (237mL)  T 톨 (Tall) (355mL) G 그란데 (Grande)(473mL)

V 벤티 (Venti) (591mL)

Affordable cafes for takeout usually have Venti sizes.


Customer: 마끼아또 2잔, 아메리카노 1잔 주세요.

2 Macchiatos and 1 Americano please.

Staff: 사이즈는 뭘로 드릴까요?

What sizes would you like?

Customer: 마끼아또 2잔은 S, 아메리카노는 그란데요.

The 2 Macchiatos are S, and the Americano is Grande.

7. I’d like a regular size.

: 보통 사이즈로 주세요. (Botong saijeuro juseyo.)

If you are not sure about the sizes of drinks because they may vary from shop to shop, you may order a regular size instead. Use this phrase while ordering to get the regular size. And in case you want something more than a regular serving, say ‘큰 사이즈로 주세요’ (Keun saijeuro juseyo) which means ‘Please give me a big size’.


Customer: 라떼 1잔에 샷 추가해 주세요.

1 latte with an extra shot please.

Staff: 사이즈는 뭘로 드릴까요?

What sizes would you like?

Customer: 보통 사이즈로 주세요.

I’d like a regular size.

8. By any chance, is it decaffeinated?

: 혹시, 디카페인 되나요? (Hokshi, dikapein dwenayo?)

Some people don’t like caffeine because of personal preferences or health conditions. In this case, it is good to ask if they have decaffeinated drinks.


Customer: 혹시, 디카페인 되나요?

By any chance, is it decaffeinated?

Staff: 음, 디카페인 모카가 있어요.

Uhm, we have a decaffeinated mocha available.

9. Oh...wait a minute. Let me think about it for a moment.

: 아…잠시만요. 조금만 생각해볼게요. (Ah… jamshimanyo. Jogeumman saenggakhaebolkkeyo.)

There are times when you can’t decide what to order. At that time, if the employee asks, “Would you like to order?”, you can say this to mean to wait a little longer.


Staff: 주문하시겠어요?

Would you like to order?

Customer: 아…잠시만요. 조금만 생각해볼게요.

Oh, wait a minute. Let me think about it for a moment.

Staff: 네, 천천히 하세요. 

Okay. take your time. 

10. I'm sorry, but can I change the menu (order)? 

: 죄송하지만, 메뉴 바꿔도 될까요?^^;; (Jwesonghajiman, menyu bakkwodo dwelkkayo?)

Let’s say that you’ve already ordered your drinks and food, but you want to change it. Use this phrase to ask if you can change your order to a different one.


Customer: 죄송하지만, 메뉴 바꿔도 될까요?

I’m sorry, but can I change the menu (order)?

Staff:. 그럼요. 뭘로 하시겠어요?

Sure. What would you like to order?

11. Are you going to eat it at the store?

: (매장에서) 드시고 가세요? [(Maejangeseo) deushigo gaseyo?]

While you order, the staff may ask you if you are going to eat it inside the store. Because disposable cups are not allowed in stores in Korea these days. If you are going to eat it inside, they will put your order in glass cups, but if you are going to take it out, they will put it in paper or plastic cups. If you get your order in paper or plastic cups and you eat it inside the store, you may get a warning later. 


Staff: (매장에서) 드시고 가세요? 

Are you going to eat it at the store?

Customer: 네, 매장에서 먹을 거예요.

Yes, I will eat it in the store.

No, it’s takeout.

: 아니요, 테이크아웃이요. (Aniyo, teikeuaushiyo.)

The word 테이크아웃 is Konglish. Use this phrase if your order is takeout.


Customer: (매장에서) 드시고 가세요? 

Are you going to eat it at the store?

Staff: 아니요, 테이크아웃이요. 

No, it’s takeout.

12. Would you like to save points?

: 적립하시겠어요? (Jongnipashigesseoyo?)

In Korea, you can earn points on every order and use the accumulated points to save on your next order. The staff will ask you this as you pay for your order. However, this is only applicable if you're registered to their membership or loyalty programs. 


Staff: 7,500원이에요. 적립하시겠어요? 

That’ll be 7,500 KRW. Would you like to save points?

Customer:  네, 해주세요.

Yes, please.

And that’s it! You’re ready to order in coffee shops in Korea with ease. What phrases would you like to learn next? Comment down below!


collaborator : Camille Ced

Camille is a Korean language learner and a freelance copywriter. I taught her some useful phrases, and then she wrote this poster.

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