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작성자 사진BDB Korean

What is your name? 이름이 뭐예요?

최종 수정일: 2023년 9월 7일

안녕하세요. 여러분! BDB Korean의 후리미입니다.

모두 잘 지냈어요?

요즘 한국은 날씨가 너무 덥고 습해요.

이제 여름이거든요!

너무 더워서 일하기 힘들 때도 있지만,

여러분들이 열심히 한국어 공부를 하는 모습을 보며 저도 다시 힘을 냅니다.

(Ver. English)

Hello, everyone! This is Hoorimi from BDB Korean.

I hope you're all doing well.

These days, Korea is experiencing extremely hot and humid weather.

It's summer now, you know!

Although it can be challenging to work in such heat,

seeing all of you diligently studying Korean gives me strength as well.

그래서 그래서 그래서~~

오늘 포스트에서는 자기소개를 위한 간단한 표현과 문법을 공부해보도록 하겠습니다!

(Ver. English)

So, so, so~~ In today's post, let's study some simple expressions and grammar for self-introduction!

첫인사 (First greet)

처음 만나는 사람들과 이렇게 인사해요.

"만나서 반가워요."

[manaseo bangawoyo]

"네, 저도 반가워요"

[ne, jeodo bangawoyo]

그리고 이름을 물어봐요.

"이름이 뭐예요?"

[ireumi mwoyeyo]

자, 그러면 여러분은 어떻게 대답할까요?

(Ver. English)

When meeting someone for the first time, you greet them like this

A: "Nice to meet you."

B: "Yes, nice to meet you too."

And then you ask for their name.

"What is your name?"

Now, how would you respond, everyone?

저는 ___이에요/예요

"저는 ___이에요/예요"

(Je-neun ___ ieyo/yeyo).

"I'm ___"

"저" means "I"

"는" is subject particle

and "____" is where you insert your name.

For example,

  • 저는 "휘림"이에요. [jeoneun Hwirim-ieyo]

  • 저는 "제니"예요. [jeoneun jenny-yeyo]

Vowel + 는 / Last consonant + 은 : Subject particle

In Korean, the subject marker "은/는" (eun/neun) is used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

It helps to differentiate the subject from other elements in the sentence. You can think of "은/는" as a way to highlight or emphasize the subject.

  • When the subject ends with a consonant, use "은" (eun) : 선생님 (seonsangnim)

  • → 선생님은 (seon-sang-nim-eun).

  • When the subject ends with a vowel, use "는" (neun): 사과 (sagwa)

  • → 사과는 (sa-gwa-neun).

제 이름은 ___이에요/예요

"제 이름은 ___이에요/예요"

(Je ireum-eun ___ ieyo/yeyo).

"My name is ___"

Another way is "제 이름은 ___이에요/예요"

"제" (je) means "my,"

"이름" (ireum) means "name,"

"이에요" is a verb ending in Korean that is used to express a state or attribute of something.

It is commonly used for simple statements or descriptions.

For example,

  • 제 이름은 휘림이에요. (Je ireum-eun Hwirim-ieoyo.) : My name is Hwirim.

  • 제 이름은 제니예요. (Je ireum-eun Jenny-yeoyo.) : My name is Janny.

(Last consonant + 이에요/ Vowel+예요)

The form "이에요" is used when the preceding word ends in a consonant,

while "예요" is used when the preceding word ends in a vowel.

It is a polite form and is often used in casual conversations as well.

If you want to learn more, keep going!


Using "은/는" in Self-introductions

To use "은/는" in your self-introduction, simply attach it to the subject of your sentence.

For example:

  • 저는 학생이에요. (Jeoneun haksaeng-ieyo.): I am a student.

  • [저 (je) = I / 학생 (haksaeng) = student]

  • 제 친구는 한국 사람이에요. (Je chinguneun Hanguk saram-ieyo.) : My friend is Korean.

  • [친구 (chingu) = friend / 한국 사람 (Hanguk saram) = Korean person]

Remember, when using "은/는," the subject is emphasized and becomes the focal point of the sentence.

Additional Vocabulary

더 공부하고 싶은 분들은

여기 몇 가지 단어와 구문을 참고하세요!

(English ver.)

To enhance your self-introduction, here are a few more useful Korean words and phrases

  • 안녕하세요? (Annyeonghaseyo?) - Hello?

  • 반갑습니다. (Bangapseumnida.) - Nice to meet you.

  • 저는 ___에서 왔어요. (Jeoneun ___-eseo wasseoyo.) - I am from ___.

  • ___살이에요. (___sari-eyo.) - I am ___ years old.

  • ___에 살아요. (___e sarayo.) - I live in ___.



아주 잘했어요!

여러분! 제 이름은 휘림이에요.

여러분의 이름은 뭐예요?

댓글에 남겨주세요 ^_^

(ver. English )


You did great!

Guys! My name is Hoorimi.

What is your name?

Please leave it in the comments ^_^

조회수 92회

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